MARIGOT, St. Martin (March 13, 2003)  “A war in Iraq will be worst for us than 911,” said former US Senator Edward Brooke this week in an interview with Conscious Lyrics radio magazine host and producer Shujah Reiph.

The senator is the scheduled guest on the popular Conscious Lyrics radio magazine on Saturday at 5 p.m. on Radio St. Martin and on Sunday 12:30 p.m. on radio Sualouiga 99.9 FM.

The interview topics range from the effects of the expected US invasion of Iraq, the celebration Black history, reparations, to his love for art and his long-time St. Martin connection, said Reiph.

Brooke’s political career began in 1950, when he left his private law practice to run for the Massachusetts House of Representatives. In 1961, a newly elected Republican Governor John Volpe appointed Brooke chairman of the Boston Finance Commission. He resigned in 1963, when he was sworn in as Massachusetts’s attorney general, after winning the Republican nomination and election in 1962.

Known as a crime fighter and an aggressive prosecutor of political corruption, Brooke was elected to the US Senate in 1966. In the Senate, he was appointed to the Banking and Currency Committee and to the Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee. He held his Republican seat for two terms until 1978.