New Book Releases
Where I See The Sun: Contemporary Poetry in Anguilla
Edited by
Paperback, Poems, Literature, 184 pp.
ISBN: 978-0996224-20-8
Where I See The Sun: Contemporary Poetry in Anguilla gathers a bounteous bunch of voices, 43 poets intent on entering the choir that would intone a new song for Anguilla, carved out of its history, its politics, its heritage, its dreams and aspirations. Their names may ring hollow to many a literary critic or student of Caribbean Literature, (with the exception, perhaps, of the venerable Bankie Banks, a true musical legend who has stuck to his Anguilla roots through thick and thin), but the important thing is that they now will be heard throughout the region and beyond and the story they tell, a reminder that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to human experience and existence or for that matter where it concerns creative output.
This is pure poetry: critical, sincere and plain. The glorious and convoluted history of small island nations sits heavily on the shoulders of so few. This may be your only chance to hear them speak like this.
– Wena Poon, award-winning Singapore-born American author of Café Jause: a Story of Viennese Shanghai
The Adulterous Citizen: poems stories essays
Paperback, Poems, Literature, 136 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-0996224-22-2
Poems. Short stories. Essays. The Adulterous Citizen contemplates the feeling of belonging, while yearning for the seduction of elsewhere. Tishani Doshi guides us through the streets of Cartagena, the seaside of Madras, and the bronze cliffs of Wales; through arcane museums and into strangers’ houses; her poems, short stories and essays take us on a train ride across India into self-discovery and a teenager’s failed escape on the American Road, into a house of childhood ghosts, and on a journey of a delusional widow in the Himalayas. Travelling along are those abstract countries of memory and the imagination the author’s constant companions, and the reason why she writes at all: because she just ‘won’t shut up!’
Tishani Doshi brings to the written page the precision, poise and sensuality of an accomplished dancer, which is also what she is. – Tabish Khair, poet and novelist
Columbus, the Moor | Colón, el Moro | Colomb, le Maure | Colombo, il Moro
(English, Spanish, French and Italian Edition)
Paperback, Literature, 104 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-0996224215
The literary works of Charles Matz are extremely complex. … What distinguishes his work is his plunging into the bottomless pit of lasting orality, the long and varied history of poetry-song-ritual.
– Andrea Zanzotto, Pieve di Soligo, Italy
Applicare a Matz etichette può essere assai pericoloso, ma credo che il suo tuffo nel pozzo senza fondo dell oralità perpetua lo caratterizzi inconfondibilmente, riportando in evidenza l originaria identità poesia-canto-rito lungo una catena da gran tempo spezzata, distrutta, e forse non ricostruibile.
– Andrea Zanzotto, Pieve di Soligo
Ce livre est la premieré publication de Colomb, le Maure, comme livret en anglais, avec des traductions en français, italien, et spagnol. Tous les quatre textes comprennent aussi divers autres languages comme le taíno (arawak) et le latin.
Esta es la primera publicación de Colón, el Moro como un único libro del texto teatral en inglés junto a texto español, francés e italiano. Todos los cuatro textos incluyen varias lenguas, como taíno (Arawak) y latín.
– House of Nehesi Publishers
Love Songs Make You Cry
by Lasana M. Sekou
Paperback, Poetry, Literature, 158 pp
ISBN: 978-0988825-20-8
Tales with utmost verisimilitude.
– Montague Kobbé, The Daily Herald
Love Songs Make You Cry stirs emotions that lie too deep for tears.
– Joyce Peters-McKenzie, St. Martin Newsday
While Sekou’s stories examine themes of displacement, immigration and exploitation, each one is based on human relationships.
– Rochelle Ward, bajanreporter.com
Language, Culture, and Identity in St. Martin
by Rhoda Arrindell
Paperback, literature, 240 pp.
ISBN: 978-0988825-22-2
Language, Culture, and Identity in St. Martin is intended to contribute to the language education discourse and provide some insight into how language and culture affect and are affected by identity in St. Martin. Exploring the basic syntactical structure of the St. Martin language, it aims to stimulate further and deeper studies leading to a new awareness of the nature of the language. Furthermore, the book could serve to provide a knowledge base from which the analysis of cultural, identity, and educational issues confronting the South and North of this Caribbean island can be made and understood.
Arrindell’s research is a unique groundbreaking work.
– Dr. Alma Simounet, University of Puerto Rico
Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry in St. Martin
Edited by Lasana M. Sekou
Paperback, Poetry, Literature, 120 pp.
ISBN: 978-0988825-27-7
It s a rare & sparkle event to have an anthology of (mainly) young poets already into memories, their bright eyes searching the horizon for future & language to come out of one of our Caribbean islands this time St. Martin.
– Kamau Brathwaite, poet, critic, scholar
This wave of contemporary poetry from St. Martin … is an act of self-analysis, self-love, and self-preservation… . It says what must be said and what must be heard.
– Adrian Green, spoken word artist, Barbados
One day we could forget about these times, who we loved, what we feared, where we wanted to go, when we departed for our independent future, and that is when Where I See the Sun will reveal older secrets why and how poets are the memory keepers of the nation.
– Minerva Dormoy, Department of Culture, Collectivity of St. Martin
Maroon Lives: Tribute to Maurice Bishop & Grenadian Freedom Fighters
By Lasana Sekou
Revolution As Poetic Inspiration: Grenada in Maroon Lives
by Fabian Adekunle Badejo
Paperback, Poetry, Literature, 96 pp.
ISBN: 978-0988825-24-6
Supple, integrative language, engaging scholarship, expansive allusions, sharp wit, musical vigor … make Maroon Lives resonate with other times and places. … Powerful extensive elegy that privileges revolution will not grow old.
– Keith Ellis, author, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Lizzy Lizzard
by Robin Boasman
ISBN: 978-0988825-21-5
Lizzy Lizard is Robin Boasman’s darling contribution to the children’s literature of the Caribbean. What an absolute delight to get the grand tour of St. Martin with Lizzy Lizardand her new friends! – Jamie Alleyne, Learning & Child Development Consultant
Little Lizzy Lizard’s Long walk quickly turns into an adventure in and around St. Martin’s busiest city. The book’s photo art illustrations convey a sense of magic to places easily identified by boys and girls, ages 4 to 9. Meet the endearing Suzy Soldier Crab, Iggy iguana, Missy Mongoose, and Pico Pelican. Lizzy Lizard will prove popular with confident readers; and with families who can spend time reading it together
Haïti et l identité littéraire trans-caribéenne
Emilio Jorge Rodríguez
Essais / Littérature / Études culturelles / Critique Littéraire
ISBN: 978-0988825253
La collection d’essais de Rodríguez est d’une importance capitale, dévoilant des échanges clés entre écrivains haïtiens et cubains, échanges dialogiques traversant des différences linguistiques et historiques pour tisser un lien essentiel de compréhension qui ouvra la porte à de nouvelles formes de créativité.
– Myriam J.A. Chancy, Ph.D., Auteur de Framing Silence: Revolutionary Novels by Haitian Women
Ce livre excellent et circonstancié qui fouille dans les rapports cachés et profonds qui sous-tendent l héritage culturel d Haïti, met à nu d importantes zones de confluence des peuples de la région.
– Margarita Mateo Palmer, Instituto Superior de Arte, La Havane
Haiti and Trans-Caribbean Literary Identity / Haiti y la transcaribenidad literaria
by Emilio Jorge Rodriguez
(English and Spanish Edition)
Paperback, literature, essays, culture studies/criticism
Monografías / Critica Literaria
ISBN: 978-0913441589
Jorge Emilio Rodriguez has made a wise choice of the term ‘trans-Caribbean,’ it is of the same family as ‘transculturation’ and sheds light on the process of exchanges and influences that founded the Caribbean identity.
– Maximilien Laroche, author
Con una mirada atenta a las secretas conexiones rizomáticas del legado cultural de Haití, se develan, en este acucioso y excelente libro, importantes zonas de confluencia de los pueblos de la región.
– Margarita Mateo Palmer, Instituto Superior de Arte, Habana.
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- Arnia’s Bookstore
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Philipsburg - Municipal Library
Marigot - Book’s End
Simpson Bay
Available throughout the Caribbean
- Gaymes Book Centre
St. Vincent & The Grenadines - Metropolitan Book Suppliers, The Blue Edition
Trinidad & Tobago - UVI Bookstore; Dockside Bookshop
St. Thomas, VI - UWI Bookshop; Cloister’s Bookstore, The Book Place
Barbados - UWI Bookshop; Novelty Trading
Available in Europe
- New Beacon Books
London, England - BLAAC Shop
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- www.amazon.com
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About the Authors
Marion Bethel is a poet, short story writer, essayist and attorney from The Bahamas. A Cambridge University graduate, Bethel’s writings have appeared in Callaloo, The Massachusetts Review, … Read more
Free copy with all HNP orders … While supply last
Fete – Celebrating St. Martin Traditional Festive Music
A special culture features publication, song, music, dance, carnival, and more, 48 pp.
Contents: Foreword • Tanny & The Boys • Bèbè recalls • In a fête • Quimbé • Carnival • “Jim Tucker” Samuel • Ray Anthony Thomas Tale of a concert • A blast in The Netherlands • Ponum • A bumper crop • Eat, drink …